I was inspired to write SANTA'S SECRET while spending time with family in warm, sunny Florida and Arizona last Christmas. It just didn't "seem" like Christmas since I had always lived in the cold, snowy, blustery Midwest. So, I wondered if kids felt that way, whether they grew up in warm climates, were transplants or were simply vacationing over the holidays.

The main character, George, is a grump. It's Christmas Eve and his mom tries everything to get him in a good mood (playing Christmas music, decorating, making cookies) but George isn't having it. He is positive Old Saint Nick won't visit. After all, he only sees pictures of Santa where there's snow on the ground. George would do anything to have a snowman in his yard. His mother tries and tries to convince George that Santa goes everywhere to no avail. But, finally, George discovers Santa has a big secret. After that, he can't wait for the holiday magic to begin!
So, now you know the backstory for my new holiday release, and after you view the pictures in this post, I think you'll see why I write kidlit. Just look at eight-year-old Alex delving into my book. His mother told me he started reading before they got to the car because he just had to know Santa's secret! Then, he wouldn't tell his mom and instead made her read my book to find out!
Here is his mother's review: "Alex tested. Alex approved."

"hey Beth its me kylie I loved this book I am 8 years old Santa likes all weather in this book."
Finally, here is a partial quote from Shirley McCann (my good friend, full disclosure): "...Loved the surprise ending. You'll want to keep this book for generations, as it's the perfect holiday book that will soon become a must read tradition, right along with The Night Before Christmas. We'll be reading it several times during this holiday season."
SANTA'S SECRET is available on Amazon here:
And on Barnes & Noble here: