I want you to meet a good friend of mine and fellow Ozarks Romance Author, Lisa Medley. Lisa writes about zombies. Zombies! She is such a fun-loving person, married, with a beautiful daughter, Grace, who sent my very first fan letter. She's also hilarious and positive, yet she writes about zombies. Let's find out how this came about.
Welcome, Lisa. Tell us about your new release—the inspiration, genre,
characters or anything you want us to know.
Reap & Repent is the first of my urban fantasy series about
reapers. The grim kind. I started writing about reapers because the field
wasn’t quite as saturated with that particular monster. After a few visits to
local graveyards, the story began to fall together.
You visit graveyards? I guess that would be good inspiration for zombies!
Q. How long have you been writing? What is your typical writing
day like?
I started writing fiction in 2010. I had written newspaper
articles and columns off and on through the years but never fiction. After
finding and falling in love with the paranormal romance genre, I read more than
a hundred books in the field and finally decided I could do that too. So I did.
My first attempt stunk. Vampires. Nothing new there. Then I stumbled onto the
idea for a series about reapers and I’ve already begun the fourth book in the
series. The first three will come out this year.
I don’t really have a typical day. I have a full-time day job, a
husband, a child, pets and farm animals. I stay up late after everyone has gone
to bed to peck out a few pages. I can usually write 1-2K in two or three hours
depending on how things are flowing.
I'm impressed that you get so much writing done with a full-time job and family. Not to mention your critters!
Q. How many books have you written or is this your debut?
Three books in the reaper series are completed. Reap & Repent
(#1) is out now at all online book retailers. Currently, they are all e-books
but Repent will publish in print on Harlequin.com sometime in December. Reap
& Redeem (#2) comes out Oct. 6 and Reap & Reveal (#3) will come out in
January. Currently I’m working on a ghost romance called Haunt My Heart
(unrelated to the reaper series) and will be finishing the first draft within
the month. Reap & Reckon (#4) insisted on starting without me so I do have
the first ten pages started on it as well.
Wow! You're making me look like a real slacker. I love your Harlequin story. Maybe you can discuss it more in the comment section. Also, I love how you incorporated "Reap" into your four titles. Great branding!
Q. Any suggestions on balancing writing and social media?
It’s hard to do both. I’m not going to lie. But without the
writing, you have no need to work on building your social media platform.
Definitely spend more time on the writing than on social media. The way social
media is changing so rapidly, I hate wasting too much effort there. Building
the relationships is the most important thing. So far, I can’t tell that I have
sold one book as a direct result of Twitter. I have sold books during and after
my online Facebook Launch Party, otherwise it’s all about talking to people and
making contacts with other authors and readers.
Direct promotion, organic or paid, has not yet proven fruitful in
my situation. Still, the more your name is out there and in front of people,
the more likely that they will eventually track you down.
Yes, name recognition and building relationships are both important. It does take time.
Lisa was in a Zombie Parade in Lebanon, MO, recently.
She really gets into her characters! |
Q. Tell us something quirky about you that we may not know.
I keep bees. Or more, I have a beehive in which bees live. They
occasionally produce honey for me, which I eat with joyful glee. I have a suit
and everything. I’m legit.
Interesting. You are legit--and, I'd add, courageous!
Q. What is your favorite marketing tip/promotional advice?
Be assertive but not aggressive. I skim over social media, buy me
tweets and shares 95% of the time. If I see something interesting about YOU
that catches my eye, I’ll drill down to see what you are all about. I’ve bought
books because of WHO people are not necessarily because of WHAT they were screaming.
I agree. Some people overdo it. Way overdo it and I can't scroll past fast enough.
Q. What’s your next project?
Finishing Haunt My Heart is my first priority. I’m at 60k on it
and should wrap it up in another 5-10K. Then it’s back to my reapers. I have a
soft spot for monsters. And monsters in love? Well…mmmmm.
You're a nut. But a funny, likeable nut who is a good writer.
Q. I love first lines. Post your first sentence. Hook us.
What does a guy have to do around here to get some service? Deacon Walker marveled as he glared at the undulating queue of
grotesque reapers in front of him.
Reap & Repent blurb
They see death. Can they share a life?
Ruth Scott can read the energy of every person
she meets. Then she meets Deacon Walker. She can see his ice-blue eyes, his
black hair, and his gorgeous face. But this beautiful stranger has no aura.
Deacon is just as unsettled by Ruth—and,
having spent more than two hundred years ushering souls to Purgatory, Deacon is
seldom shocked by anything. As he helps Ruth to understand her true nature, she
awakens desires that he decided long ago a Reaper can’t afford.
A demon invasion forces Deacon to confront the
darkness in his own past even as he fights to save the human souls he’s charged
to protect. When he’s taken captive, his first concern is for Ruth. But Ruth
just might be able to save herself—and the Reaper she can’t live without—if she
can learn to wield her newfound power.
Lisa has always enjoyed reading about monsters in love and now she
writes about them. Reapers. The grim kind.
She adores beasties of all sorts, fictional as well as real, and has a
farm full of them in her Southwest Missouri home,
including: one child, one husband, two dogs, two cats, a dozen hens, thousands
of Italian bees, and a guinea pig.
She may or may not keep a complete zombie
apocalypse bug-out bag in her trunk at all times, including a machete. Just.
In. Case.
Connect with Lisa Medley here:
Now, tell us what you think about zombies in love?