Friday, May 8, 2009

Chosen as Memoirist of the Day!

This week, I was selected as Memoirist of the Day by Smith Magazine! They featured my six-word MOMoir and photo on the cover of their online magazine in early May. Since then, they've published thirty of my MOMoirs and memoirs. Yea! Give it a try. Warning: Sixes are highly addictive--almost as much as chocolate. Hemingway wrote a six-word memoir. His was--For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn. Says a lot, doesn't it? You'll be amazed how big a story you can tell in six little words. Check out the site at Smith publishes books containing editor-selected memoirs and all of their books have been New York Times' bestsellers. They also hold several contests. I highly recommend this site and so does Writer's Digest.

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