A few months ago, I wrote a novelette (10,000-word story) entitled "Santa Baby" for possible inclusion in the Soul Mate Publishing Christmas anthology. And I was thrilled to learn my story was one of seven that was selected. Funny thing is, I wrote about a woman in labor on December 23. She's all alone. No boyfriend. No father. Until... Well, you'll find out soon enough. Look forward to many blogs, prizes, and parties from all of the authors this November!
Interestingly, the month after I wrote "Santa Baby," my daughter told me she's going to have her first baby! Pretty amazing timing, right? We're very excited and are in full tilt mode for the upcoming baby shower, planning, and the precious bundle.
I also started a new novel a few months ago, currently titled STRANDED IN PARADISE. The title will most likely change. I have a really good one in mind if my publisher will let me use it!! I really love the hero, Ty, who has a very cool profession! I can't wait to tell you about it. And the villain, Derek, is a total jerk. I love creating nasty people, it seems. The heroine is Pepper who is an unemployed, unlucky-in-love daycare worker. I'm about 85 percent finished with the first draft, then I'll tackle edits and the dreaded synopsis. My novel is set on a beautiful, serene island in Florida that I want to visit and hope you will as well.
We went on a two-week vacation with three sets of family members in Arizona and California and saw the famed "Standin' On the Corner" in Winslow, Arizona (by the Eagles), the Lowell Observatory, the infamous Meteor Crater, and of course, Hollywood! At the observatory, we were able to view Venus during the day and learned a maintenance guy who loved astronomy took tons of photos and was the one who discovered Pluto. A young girl from England entered a contest and named Pluto. Fun facts.

Finally, I'll be attending the InD'Scribe Reader & Author Con in Palm Springs, California Sept. 17-20. I'll be signing books with about 100 authors, meeting readers, and attending the RONE awards gala. I'd love to see you there! And for those of you who voted for THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS, I'm beyond humbled. Thank you.
It has been a frenzy of a spring and summer. I think I'll take a nap.
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