Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Excitement! I snared a first place win at the Sleuths' Ink holiday party--and I was paid $1 per word! Not bad, right? In fact, that's big bucks for a contest! Never mind that it was hint fiction (25 words). Still. I'm thrilled. I won first place and I'm humbled by everyone who voted for my entry.

The Sleuths' Ink holiday contest required members to write a 25-word story that contained a crime and a holiday. Want to read my winning entry? Here 'tis:


“Officer, it was target practice because my husband wanted venison for Thanksgiving." I can’t help it that I mistook the lying cheat for a deer!

By the way, I adore writing hint fiction. Do you? It's fun and forces us to be concise. I encourage you to seek out hint fiction contests. Do you have any contest news you'd like to share? Please do.


  1. Ironically, I bought my wife a gun for Christmas. Hope she doesn't mistake me for a deer.

  2. Ha! Just don't cheat on her and no worries, Russell. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wait! I forgot a couple of things, Russell. You also might want to do all the cooking, cleaning and laundry. You know. Just in case she keeps that thing loaded...
