To prove my point, here are three big highlights from 2013 (in order of occurrence):

My first-ever holiday picture book, SANTA'S SECRET, was published and I had several book signings in Springfield and Branson. Barnes & Noble even carried my book! I enjoyed school visits, especially going back to my former elementary school, York, where I donated copies to first graders.
My novel, THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS, was picked up by Soul Mate Publishing. This is a life-long dream. I'm still pinching myself and cannot wait to see my cover art and hold that book in my hands! My release date is tentatively Summer 2014 (I asked that it be moved back. Crazy, I know, but read the next bullet point for an explanation.)

Now, we're well into 2014. (Where did January go?) So, what's up for this year?
Several events will carry over from 2013--the release of THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS including marketing, book launches, launch parties, book signings and conferences.
The WEDDING in May and all the happiness that will ensue for my precious daughter and her soon-to-be husband.
And either another children's picture book, finishing the sequel to THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS, continued work on my haiku collections or my non-fiction marketing book for authors. Decisions, decisions.
What were your top three events in 2013 and plans for 2014?